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5G testing using Conduant ODI recorder

Larry Desjardin of the AXIe consortium recently had an article published on EEWeb entitled Optical Interfaces to Address 5G Test. It is an informative article about the new ODI (Optical Data Interface) interface based on the Interlaken protocol, and how it relates to 5G testing. The Conduant StreamStor® Cobra recording system is featured as a recording system that can be used for recording or playback of 5G signals using this new interface.

As one of the first implementations of this new interface, the Cobra system provides new levels of recording speed and flexibility for these types of 5G testing applications. When combined with an appropriate digitizer and/or arbitrary waveform generator, the Cobra system can be used to record or play back 5G signals for seconds, minutes or even hours of duration.

A long time provider of high-speed, long-duration data recording systems, Conduant hopes to continue to provide innovative solutions for these types of cutting-edge technological advances.

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